Quarry Road Master Plan
The Friends of Quarry Road are developing a new master plan that will articulate a unified, multi-season vision for the future of Quarry Road Trails. The master plan will explore opportunities to increase usage in all seasons, grow the Nordic ski operations, re-establish the Alpine skiing operation, and construct physical infrastructure that would enable the area to host large events.
In working towards these goals, the master planning process includes a substantial effort to engage the Waterville and Quarry Road Trails community. All of these inputs, and the resultant plans and analyses, will be distributed to the broader public via this website.
Your participation and continued interest in the project are vital to its success. Stay current on project activities by visiting this website, following Quarry Road Trails on Facebook, or signing up to receive updates by email.
Project News
3/22/25 - Early Notice and Public Review of a Proposed Activity in a Wetland - This notice provides people who may be affected by the proposed action and those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment with an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information. Maps and site plans of the proposed action are provided below. Commenters are encouraged to offer alternative sites, alternative methods to serve the same project purpose, and methods to minimize and mitigate impacts. Comments should be submitted by email to nepa@nbrc.gov. NBRC is accepting comments on this Notice for 15 days, from Saturday March 22nd, 2025, through the end of the day on Saturday April 6th, 2025.
Project Documents
Proposed Action and Future Development
Help us plan for four seasons of fun in Waterville!
For questions, or to share your thoughts on the plan and the future of Quarry Road Trails, please contact Friends of Quarry Road Facilities Planning Chair at friends@quarryroad.org